Daryl Runswick    [Home]
talks and broadcasts

Extended Vocal Techniques part 1
    1 hour talk: Cage, Berio, Stockhausen

Extended Vocal Techniques part 2
    1 hour talk: Berio, Ligeti, Wishart, Cage

Daryl Runswick, Composer
    3 short Runswick compositions commissioned by Lyric FM

Composers at Work
    4 talks: Messaien; Cage; Wagner; Music for detective movies

Community and Learning
    2 talks: Share Music documentary; Inspiring a new generation

Around the Millenium for a couple of years I was regularly on the Irish radio station Lyric FM, a wonderful outfit based at that time in the lovely town of Limerick: the station is a sort of cross between the UK's BBC Radio 3 and Classic FM, without the stolidity of the one or the fatuousness of the other, and run by enthusiasts with a real rapport with their target audience. I was engaged to give talks on contemporary music. I was made very welcome and felt in my element. The longer talks (for the Horizons programme) filled an hour's slot in the schedule so I could stretch out and go into a subject in real depth. The shorter ones (for the Artszone magazine programme) could be anything from a couple of minutes to half an hour. Hear me compose music live on air! (...apparently...)

At the time Lyric promised to send me copies of all the broadcasts, but there's many a slip twixt cup and lip, and I find I've got all the short ones but only two of the long: Extended Vocal Techniques parts 1 & 2. They make good listening: this is the closest you will get to being a student attending the now-legendary Professional Studies class at Trinity College of Music in London in the late 1990s, with Angie Atmadjaja, Ned Bigham, Clive Carroll, Dai Fujikura, Haris Kittos, Danny Ledesma, Reynaldo Young and many others keeping me on my toes.