One Man Show, Sundaes


The links on this page go mostly to material from my One Man Show,
Daryl Runswick in Droves. Much of the music here has been done in the show, plus at the bottom of the page there are individual links to Crabbe-Runswick songs which I've done in Droves from time to time.

I've also included a couple of tracks I've made in the last ten years such as The Dream and Roaring Boy (that'll be my grandson Conor) and Alex and James's wedding music, that fit better here than on the Concert Music page.

Play That Weird Minor

Portico, Don't Just Sit There, Moonstones, Spring Into
Summer, Titan, Words, Chimney.
A 35-minute piece
containing free improvisation, song, jazz, extended
vocal techniques and concert music. My best synthesis
so far of every strand of my talent. Fractal structure,
symphonic in scope.


Aia, Sphinx, Up, Summer into Fall. A suite of four instrumentals and songs in jazz fusion style, composed in 2006. Marks the first appearance of my fretless alto bass guitar. The idea for a One Man Show developed while I was writing this piece.

The Dream

This is a dance piece, jazz influenced, written in 2003. It was commissioned by my daughter Alexandra Runswick for Charter 88, for a celebration at London's Hampstead Theatre to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Martin Luther King's I have a dream speech. Choreography by Claire Russ.

Some guitar instrumentals

Lonely, Autumn Leaves, Roaring Boy, Hologram, Tutu/You Too. Features for my fretless alto and piccolo bass guitars.    

Some songs

Clogs, Parable, Things We Said Today, First Moment, Anything Goes. Songs written or arranged for the show.

Piano with backing

Larghetto, Sixes & Sevens, Jymnastics, To You. Keyboard
features with backing.

Bach: Prelude and Fugue in B Minor

Synthesised version of this wonderful organ prelude and fugue.    




Crabbe-Runswick Links

Links go to the page where the song can be found.
After that you'll have to scroll, I'm afraid.

Big Black Car
Blue Funk
The Colours Ran
Lying Again
The Least You Can Do
My Father's Hands
So Long Gone
Wish You Were Here

(Songs Vol 7)
(Songs Vol 1)
(Songs Vol 2)
(Songs Vol 2)
(Songs Vol 1)
(Songs Vol 7)
(Songs Vol 1)
(Songs Vol 1)